Do Raccoons Have Thumbs? (Unmasking the Mystery)

When we see raccoons holding things with their paws, opening doors, and showcasing other human-like abilities. We often wonder if they have thumbs.

There are lots of animals with thumbs, and we might be tempted to add our cute little friends, raccoons to the list. Because they have adapted to using their paws effectively. If you ever see a raccoon skilfully attacking a snake with a stone, then you will understand just what we mean.

But do these extra paws-abilities mean that they have thumbs? Let’s take a closer look at the paws of a raccoon.   

When you compare a raccoon’s paw to a human’s hand, you will discover so many similarities. Both have five dexterous fingers that can be used to grip and manipulate things in their environment. But do raccoons have opposable thumbs?

Despite having the same number of fingers as humans, raccoons’ paws do not have opposable thumbs like humans. They also need to use both forepaws when holding and manipulating things. Unlike humans that can hold objects and manipulate them with one hand. 

Another striking resemblance between human hands and raccoon paws is the presence of mechanoreceptor cells. These cells make raccoon paws very sensitive, which is why they feel with their paws. These mechanoreceptor cells are known to be present in primates, and despite not being one, raccoons have evolved to develop these cells.

The shape of the raccoon’s five fingers also looks similar to those of humans. With the two fingers at the extremes looking shorter than the three at the middle. The three in the middle look almost equal in length. 

Opposable Thumbs 

The thumb is the thickest or fattest extreme digit on your hand which is usually placed on the opposite side to your other digits when holding an object. This digit is opposable, meaning that you can use it to touch other digits on your hands. The thumb or opposable thumb as it is called, helps us to hold tightly to objects.  

Do Raccoons Have Paws or Hands?

While we have been using the term raccoon’s hand, let’s get it straight. Raccoons do not have hands because a hand is not padded at the underside. What raccoons have are called paws, not hands.

Raccoons have four paws, two front or fore paws, and two back or rear paws. Their padded undersides serve as shock absorbers, to enable them to walk and run very fast even on rough surfaces. 

How Do Raccoons Use Their Paws?

Even though raccoons do not have opposable thumbs, they can do several things that animals with opposable thumbs can do. Raccoons rely so much on their paws for survival in the following ways; 

  • Swim

Raccoons are not just water lovers because they find little aquatic organisms sumptuous, they are also good swimmers. They use their flexible and strong paws to move in water, remain afloat and catch aquatic animals for food. Raccoons can swim as fast as 3mph, beating other animals of similar size. 

  • Dig

How do you think those raccoons managed to get to your chicken through a hole in the ground? Raccoons would dig their way to any food source, so long as it’s not a concrete floor. They dig with the strong claws on their fingers. 

They use their claws to dig into garden plants and harvest them before the owners get to do so. This is why it is advisable to protect your garden with a fence that is at least 2 feet into the ground and 5 feet above the ground. 

  • Feel

People usually say that raccoons wash their food in water before eating them. While it may look as if these little mammals care about their hygiene, they ‘wash’ their foods with or without thinking of cleanliness. When wet, the callus covering their paws softens and their sensitive paws become more sensitive.

So when they wash or wet their food, their paws can feel the food more. In that way, raccoons can easily tell what may be inside their food before eating it. They stop doing it when they get very familiar with a particular food because they do not need to feel the content of the food anymore. 

  • Defense 

Raccoons are ready to fight off any threat using their paws. With the sharp claws on their paws, they can easily scratch their enemies’ skin and cause serious damage. Although raccoons do not pick fights just because they have claws, when cornered by other animals, they unleash their claws mercilessly. 

Raccoons usually fall prey to bigger predators in the wild because they lack the strength to fight back.  But raccoons have devised a means of using hunting tools to kill more deadly predators like snakes. Raccoons pick the stones up with their paws and use them to crush the heads of the snakes.

  • Climb

When climbing, raccoons use their claws to hold tightly, to prevent them from slipping. They are such excellent climbers, despite not having opposable thumbs. 


Why do raccoons have opposable thumbs?

The paw print of a raccoon may look like that of a human, but raccoons do not have opposable thumbs.

How are raccoons’ hands different from human hands?

Humans have opposable thumbs and fingernails, while raccoons paws claws and they do not have opposable claws. 


Having answered your questions such as; do raccoons have thumbs? We believe that you now understand why they can carry out so many human-like duties. Like opening bottles, doors, and windows, even though they are not primate.

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