Do Raccoons Eat Snakes? (Are They Immune to Snake Venom?)

picture of raccoon eating snake

Looking at raccoons, one might wonder; can these cute mammals hurt snakes with all the reputation that snakes have of being formidable? It seems so impossible to associate the ‘harmless and almost helpless’ raccoons with the killing of ‘harmful and formidable’ snakes. 

But raccoons are not as harmless and helpless as they look. They are one of the cleverest animals out there, one close look at their intelligent behavior, and you might think that they are primates. But they are not primates, they have just adapted to surviving anywhere and using their hands effectively.

Meaning that they can use their hands almost the same way humans and other primates use their hands. But with all their cleverness and abilities, can they hunt down snakes? Let’s dive into the world of a hungry raccoon. 

Raccoons have survived for years in the forest, suburban, and urban because they do not miss an opportunity to eat whatever comes their way. So, even if it’s a snake that a hungry raccoon encounters, it would rather kill and eat the snake than starve to death. 

Generally speaking, a raccoon will not go out in search of a snake just because it is hungry. Because it takes lots of energy and strategic planning to kill a snake, especially the venomous one. So, raccoons prefer to kill other smaller preys that will not give them too much challenge, like insects and frogs.  

Raccoons have digestive tracks that can digest tough snake meats, and any pathogen in the snake meat. Their teeth are also adapted for tearing the tough flesh of snakes and other animals. So, a raccoon has no problem with eating a snake, if it can kill the snake or meet it dead.

How Do Raccoons Kill Snake?

A raccoon does not have to get too close to the snake it wants to eat. Instead, it picks up a fairly heavy rock and uses it to crush the head of the snake. In that way, it will not get bitten by the snake. Plus, you can imagine what a rock thrown at the head of a snake can do to it. 

Raccoons can also grip the necks of smaller snakes and use their claws to inflict injuries on them. And weaken them before tearing them up.

Do Raccoons Eat Snake Eggs?

Yes, raccoons would eat any egg, including that of a snake with pleasure. Some snakes may be too difficult for raccoons to confront, so they sometimes do not trouble those snakes. Instead, they go after the snake’s eggs when the snake is away.

Snake eggs provide lots of protein that raccoons need in their diet, which is why raccoons will not want to miss an opportunity to eat them.

Being opportunists, raccoons can also decide to go with the snake nest after eating its eggs and use it as a hideout or sleeping mat. Since snake eggs do not pose any challenge, raccoons would count themselves lucky to come across them in the absence of a mother snake. 

Are Raccoons Immune to Snake Venom?

No, raccoons are not necessarily immune to snake venom. The only advantage that a raccoon has against snakes is its ability to use stones and not come in close contact with snake venom. Few animals are resistant to snake venom, and raccoons are not part of them.

So, if a raccoon is careless enough to confront a poisonous snake physically, (which is not likely) it might just be a suicide mission. As the body of a raccoon cannot block snake venoms from getting to its bloodstream, like a mongoose’s. 

Do Raccoons Eat Garter Snakes?

Yes, raccoons will eat a garter snake if the opportunity presents itself. Garter snakes are known to be one of the most harmless snakes in the whole world, making them easy prey for lazy raccoons. Even if the raccoons do not see any rock around, they can easily grab the snake with their dexterous hands.  

However, raccoons do not always go after snakes because killing a snake can be quite tasking. Plus, raccoons have to deal with the fact that some snakes are poisonous and would gladly eat raccoons. 

Are Snakes Afraid of Raccoons?

Snakes are afraid of their predators and that may include raccoons, the opportunistic eaters. But that does not necessarily mean that snakes are afraid of raccoons because bigger snakes can easily kill and eat raccoons.

What do Raccoons Like to Eat the Most?

Being lazy but clever, raccoons prefer to go for food that will not pose a danger or too much challenge for them. And these include smaller animals like insects, fishes, frogs, clams, and plant materials like nuts and fruits. 

Having answered your question; do raccoons eat snakes, you can boldly say that both snakes and raccoons can eat each other. Even though they are not sworn enemies, they will gladly eat each other when allowed to do so.

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