What Animal Eat Raccoons? (Raccoons Natural Predators)

Unlike apex predators such as lions, raccoons are not on top of the food chain. So, it is natural for them to have enemies that see them as food.

And as these cute mammals forage for food in the wild and suburban, they are likely to bump into one or more of these enemies. Some of which may look too innocent for you to think that they can kill a raccoon.

So whether you are trying to protect the lives of the raccoon population around you. Or you want to introduce their natural enemies to get rid of the raccoon population in your environment. This article has all the answers to your questions.

What Animals Eats Raccoons in the Rain Forest?

The raccoons thrive well in the rainforest because, with an abundance of flourishing trees, there is bound to be enough food for them and the smaller animals they prey on. But unfortunately for the raccoons, it also means that their natural enemies are thriving well too. 

What animal kill and eats raccoons in the rainforests? This includes various types of predators ranging from the big cats such as puma, lynx, and ocelots, the canines like wolves, reptiles such as snakes, to some birds of prey like the eagles.   

What Animal Only Eats Raccoons?

Although lots of predators in the wild would readily devour a raccoon, no one of them feeds exclusively on raccoons. Every animal’s major goal is to survive, which is why they have a wide range of foods they can feed on. To avoid dying of starvation when one particular food is not available. 

However, raccoons have made it to the list of favorite snacks of many animals. Such as the cougars and hawks that never hesitate to prey on baby and adult raccoons, respectively. 

What Animal Can Eat Raccoons? 

Research has shown that raccoons always fall prey to bigger carnivores in the wild. Even though raccoons can be predators too, they serve as snacks for bigger predators such as panthers, etc.

In the wild, it’s survival of the fittest. The bigger and stronger predators eat the smaller and weaker ones, which is why any predator that can overpower a raccoon can eat it. 

What Animals Eat Raccoon Dogs?

The raccoon dogs may look like raccoons but they are not even from the same family. They have a longer lifespan of about 8 years on average. Compared to the raccoons that live for only a maximum of 3 years. 

But because they look so much like raccoons, the natural enemies of the raccoons may likely eat them too. This is why they fall under the long list of the favorite snacks of raccoons’ natural enemies such as wolves.

Do Foxes Eat Raccoons?

Yes, foxes eat raccoons. The foxes are known to eat lots of things for survival, which means that they would gladly eat raccoons or any other animal whenever they can. And because the raccoons and foxes are mostly found in the same habitat, they may likely be on the foxes’ menu card more often.

A raccoon that walks into the burrow of a fox in its environment has a higher chance of being eaten by the fox. Especially if the raccoon is smaller than the fox. However, the foxes are almost the same size as the raccoons, and may not attack a raccoon that looks as big as itself.

Raccoons avoid the foxes like plagues, which is why a fox’s urine can be used to repel raccoons from a place. 

Do Bears Eat Raccoons?

Yes, bears eat raccoons. Even though the bears are not known to hunt for raccoons, black bears can kill and eat raccoons when the opportunity presents itself. Being good tree climbers too, the raccoons may find it difficult to escape from the black bears by merely climbing a tree. 

And since they are both forest dwellers, there are good chances of a raccoon coming across a hungry black bear.  

Do Wolves Eat Raccoons?

Wolves eat raccoons. These good hunters will sniff out raccoons that are over a mile away, and hunt them down. Because the wolves hunt in packs, it will be very difficult for a raccoon to escape a pack, once targeted. 

Wolves are one of the most dangerous enemies of the raccoons. Because while so many other predators will only eat baby raccoons, wolves are ready to kill and eat raccoons of any size and age. This is why raccoons always go into hiding whenever a pack of wolves enters their environment. 

Do Coyotes Eat Raccoons?

Coyotes, one of the many enemies of the raccoons enjoy eating raccoons. And just like the wolves, they hunt in packs, killing both baby and adult raccoons in their path. As scavengers, the coyotes also enjoy eating a dead raccoon or other dead animals they can find. 

Even when a single coyote is hunting, it can overpower raccoons of any size. Which makes them as deadly to the raccoons as the wolves. 

Do Hawks Eat Raccoons?

Hawks are one of the animals that kill and eat raccoons. They may not look like great threats but hawks will readily prey on baby raccoons. And so long as an adult raccoon is showing a sign of weakness, hawks will prey on it too. 

Do Owls Eat Raccoons?

Yes, owls are among the great enemies of the raccoon population in North America today. Even though owls are meant to prey on smaller animals like rats, the great horned owls have added baby raccoons to their diets. 

Do Alligators Eat Raccoons?

If you are wondering where the raccoon you just saw swimming or foraging in the river bank went to. It might just be in the belly of an alligator because alligators eat raccoons. Just like other mammals that go to the waters, the raccoons sometimes end up serving as snacks for the alligators. 

Do Eagles Eat Raccoons?

Yes, just like the hawks and great horned owls, eagles eat raccoons too. Eagles are fierce and bold when they want to attack prey, which makes them deadly to raccoons. The golden eagle for instance can kill and eat smaller raccoons without much trouble. 

Do Bobcats Eat Raccoons?

Yes, even though the bobcats shy away from humans, they never hesitate to enjoy a raccoon meal whenever they can. They may not go after the strong adult raccoons because they may present too much challenge for them. But they never miss an opportunity to devour a weak or a baby raccoon. 

Do Raccoons Eat Raccoons?

When raccoons go about scavenging, they will eat anything they find, including another dead raccoon. Also, adult male raccoons can sometimes prey on baby raccoons in the dens, especially when the mother raccoons are away. 

Do Snakes Eat Raccoons?

Yes, snakes eat raccoons. Even though raccoons sometimes eat smaller and less poisonous snakes, they can serve as food for deadlier snakes like pythons and rattlesnakes.

Raccoons are known to avoid these bigger snakes because they would definitely lose a fight with them and get eaten in the process.

Do Cougars Eat Raccoons?

The cougars have lots of animals they would love to eat but most times, the preferred ones are not available. So they kill and eat the available ones. Which is why the cougars eat raccoons.

Since raccoons and cougars are sometimes found in the same environment, the cougars take every opportunity they get to eat raccoons.

Do Lynx Eat Raccoons?

Just like the cougars, lynxes eat raccoons whenever they can. In the wild, lynx and other wild cats are among the enemies that raccoons have to look out for.

Do Humans Eat Raccoons?

Even though raccoons are sources of meat in some human communities. The percentage of raccoons’ death that humans account for in America is mostly a result of raccoons’ encounters with pet dogs and cats. Domesticated dogs may attack and kill raccoons in human homes if they perceive the raccoons as threats. 

Pet dogs and cats may kill raccoons in an attempt to protect their owners’ families and properties. But they will most likely not eat the raccoon.  


There you have your answer. If you are trying to use these natural enemies of raccoons to control the raccoon population, remember that some of them are dangerous to humans too.

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