Raccoon Lifespan: How Old is the Longest Living Raccoon?

picture of the longest living raccoon

Raccoons are intelligent creatures, especially found in the United States, and both loved and hated. When we talk about the characteristics of living things, death indicates the end of a thing.

Since raccoons are living things, they also have a lifespan, which means they can’t live forever. So, how long does a raccoon live? We shall answer this question as we go on in this informative piece.

How Old is the Longest Living Raccoon?

There is always that being who enjoys long life more than others, which can happen due to many factors. But how old is the longest-living raccoon?

Raccoons have an estimated five-year lifetime on average, the longest surviving wild raccoon was graced to live for 16 years, and the one in captivity lived for around 21 years.

How Long do Raccoons Live in Captivity?

Even with its considerable size, an average raccoon does not live very long; some factors judge this. The lifespan of raccoons is a lot shorter than you can ever imagine.

There are some underlining differences between the life expectancy of raccoons in the wild and those in captivity. Raccoons kept in captivity are bound to live longer than those in the wild, just like every other animal.

A raccoon can live healthily with abundant food and shelter for about ten years. The lifespan of most wild raccoons is about 2 to 3 years, and most of their young ones hardly survive past one year old.

Raccoons in captivity, however, can live up to 20 years. Raccoon longevity is affected by several factors, as we have already explained. Raccoons kept in captivity live longer because they are fed adequately, protected from predators, and given access to high-quality medical treatment.

How Long Does a Raccoon Live in the Wild?

Raccoons have a short lifespan, and young ones frequently die before they reach maturity, which is one year of age. If a young raccoon makes it past one year, its chances of dying will reduce significantly.

A raccoon will live for an average of 16 years in the wild. According to estimates, raccoons lose half of their lives in the first year to predators, sickness, malnutrition, and human interference.

How Long do Raccoons Live With Their Mother?

The same is true in parenting in that there comes a moment when the young ones must live independently of their parents. As much as the mothers are known to be very protective of baby raccoons when it reaches a stage, they will leave the babies.

Raccoon pups are reportedly left to fend for themselves 2-3 months after birth. This means that the young ones are allowed to fully survive and adapt on their own without sourcing the help of the mother. But the raccoons’ families are found to always stay together for up to a year before they allow the babies to move on and separate from their litter.

How Long Does a Raccoon Live Without Food or Water?

Water and food are necessities for all living things, including raccoons. But for how long can a raccoon live without water or food? A raccoon can go up to three days without eating or drinking.

If a raccoon doesn’t get food after three days, it can develop a health problem that can lead to death. It should be no surprise that raccoons like to live near bodies of water because dehydration can occur after just two days.

In cities, raccoons are known to eat anything they can find, and whatever they eat reflects what the city feeds on. They only become very aggressive when they can find a dependable food source.

This is why they are pushed to invade houses, ponds, and garbage, so if your fish are missing or your trash can is scattered, it can be the effect of a raccoon. If a raccoon has sufficient access to food and water, its lifespan can span approximately ten years, but without these resources, its survival may not exceed five years.

A shortened lifespan of a raccoon can happen when they are faced with predators, humans, starvation, and diseases. Raccoons always love heavily wooded areas with plenty of vegetation, trees, and water. They can travel up to 18 miles to search for food, which they majorly do at night because of their nature.

How Long Will a Raccoon Live With Rabies?

Raccoons can spread rabies to humans through their saliva. They can get this virus through biting or interacting with the washed fur of their species. It is a very common practice for mother raccoons to transmit rabies to their young ones.

A rabid raccoon can only survive for 1 to 3 days after having rabies; a human bitten by one can benefit from an effective post-exposure treatment. The common symptoms a raccoon will show after being infected with rabies are:

  • Strange walking behavior
  • Discharge from the mouth or the eyes
  • Self-mutilation
  • Oblivious to noise or any near movement
  • Repeated high-pitch vocalizations
  • Erratic wandering

It’s important to remember that not every sick raccoon exhibits these symptoms. A raccoon that is infected with rabies can also live its entire life as rabies carried without showing any symptoms.

This is why people should keep their distance anytime they encounter a raccoon because you won’t know the one carrying the virus. It is unknown how long a raccoon can carry the virus throughout its lifetime, given that asymptomatic animals might stay that way for generations.

How Long Does a Raccoon Live With Distemper?

The distemper virus always affects the raccoon’s respiratory, spinal cord, gastrointestinal, and brain. The viral infection is believed to be the second deadliest infection for raccoons. But how long can a raccoon endure the effects of distemper?

The effects depend on various conditions; a raccoon cannot survive once infected. A raccoon can pass away in two weeks or less after being infected by the distemper virus.

Asides from these diseases, other diseases can reduce the lifespan of a raccoon. Other factors like predation, human invasion, and lack of food and water can reduce the life of a raccoon.

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