What To Do If You See A Raccoon In Your Yard

what to do if you see a raccoon in your yard

Seeing a raccoon moving around your yard or garden can be alarming, but these intelligent creatures are usually just looking for food or shelter. If a neighborhood raccoon invades your residence or your property, you may be wondering what to do and how to humanely stop them from staying. 

There are different things to do when you see a raccoon in your yard, but one of the best things to do is to leave the raccoon alone, so as not to trigger their attack.

What Will A Raccoon Do If It Sees You?

Normally raccoons are not aggressive animals, they don’t quickly attack humans. Raccoons will attack mostly if it is carrying a disease, majorly rabies, that makes them act uncharacteristically. Raccoon attacks are highly unusual and are most likely the result of a diseased animal acting uncharacteristically. 

However, raccoons can be bold, and if they live in a neighborhood where they’re around people a lot, they may start to feel more comfortable with humans. But raccoons can get used to being around humans and can sometimes lose their fear. They get bolder and braver with people, also any healthy raccoon won’t attack anyone for no reason. 

Raccoons often don’t behave aggressively at people. Attacks by raccoons are extremely uncommon and are probably the product of abnormal behavior by an unwell animal. Raccoons can be bold, though, and if they stay in an area where people are around them regularly, they might begin to feel more at ease with people.

However, being comfortable may prevent a raccoon from fleeing when it first notices you. A healthy raccoon may freeze and stare at you, but it will still be terrified that you are around. A raccoon can be scared away by loud noises or anything thrown in its general direction. Raccoons will “bluff,” or puff and grunt, and even pretend to charge, if they feel cornered or frightened. 

In addition, raccoons are known to be shy animals and will run away when they see you. However, on rare occasions, as highlighted earlier, such as if they feel cornered or suffering from any disease.

What To Do If You See A Raccoon In The Daytime

Don’t panic if you see a raccoon in your yard during the day; they’re not always dangerous or sick. They might just be journeying to a different area, visiting a garden when the dogs are inside, or hunting for food for a longer period of time in order to care for their young. Look out for these behaviors in the raccoon before you call for assistance:

  1. Faltering walk
  2. An animal that appears not to be aware of movement or commotion in the area
  3. Illogical wandering
  4. Discharge from the mouth or eyes
  5. Face hair that is sticky and wet
  6. High-pitched vocalizations repeated
  7. Self-injury
  8. Spontaneously hostile

These symptoms could indicate that a raccoon is rabid or that it has feline parvovirus or canine distemper. Put a call through to the police or animal control agency in your locality.

What To Do If You See A Raccoon At Night

As established that raccoons don’t just attack anyone, it is better to be cautious as well, so as not to be a victim of its attack. So, if you see a raccoon in your yard at night, this is what you can do or should do:

  1. Remain composed and give it space in case it wants to run. To avoid frightening the raccoon, carefully back away with poise and confidence.
  2. Make a loud noise, also make yourself look big. If the raccoon gets too close, scare it away with loud noises like yelling and swinging your arms, it will retreat because it will perceive you are a threat.
  3. Avoid blocking any escape routes, and do not corner it, this may cause it to become aggressive in its attempt to escape.
  4. Go inside if you can, this will help you increase the distance between you and the raccoon.
  5. Anything you will do, don’t turn your back or run away from the raccoon, this can trigger predatory instinct and cause it to chase you.
  6. You can make use of deterrents like loud horns or bright lights if you have them. Wind chimes, clanging pots, air horns, strobe lights or flashlights, all these can help to startle it.
  7. Look after the pets outside at night closely or bring them in. Dogs and cats can provoke curious raccoons with unfortunate results.
  8. Ensure all trash cans have secure lids and pet foods are not left outside at night.

What Does It Mean When You See A Raccoon In Your Yard?

If you see a raccoon in your yard, it has a reason why it is there, and let’s check them below:

Foraging for Food

Raccoons are opportunistic feeders and may be in search of food sources in your yard, such as garbage, pet food, bird feeders, or small animals like insects, rodents, or even small pets.

Shelter Seeking

They can get displaced by their mates from their shelter, so it is possible that raccoons might be seeking for shelter in your yard, especially if there are hiding spots like sheds, trees, or brush piles.

Breeding Season

During the spring season, raccoons may be more active as it is their breeding season. They might be exploring new areas in search of mates or suitable denning sites.


The female raccoons may be looking for safe places to build a nest and raise their young (kits), and that’s why you may find them in your yard.

Water Source

Raccoons are attracted to water sources such as ponds, streams, or birdbaths, which means if you have such in your yard, it can be an invitation to them and their presence could indicate a nearby water source.

Nocturnal Behavior

Raccoons are nocturnal animals, which means if you see them during the day in your yard, that could suggest they are sick, injured, or disturbed from their usual routine.

How to stop Raccoons from coming to your yard

As much as Raccoons are known not to attack humans, it is important to find a way to stop them from getting into your yard.

By doing this, you will save some of your pets from Raccoons attack, so, how can you stop Raccoons from coming to your yard? If you see a raccoon in your yard, what can you do to stop them from coming again.

  1. Take away any food sources such as pet food and bird feeders, and keep your garbage cans covered. 
  2. You can as well install motion-activated sprinklers or bright lights to deter raccoons
  3. If you suspect you may have uninvited raccoon tenants, inspect your home for holes and any spots that might be attractive to a raccoon looking for a den. 
  4. After you confirm that you don’t currently have any wildlife using that spot, seal off any potential entry points with heavy materials such as wire mesh, sheet metal, or metal flashing. 
  5. If you need assistance to get rid of a raccoon, don’t make decisions by yourself.  Call Animal Services! They’re trained to safely handle raccoons

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