What To Do If A Raccoon Bites You (Best Home Remedies)

picture of a raccoon bite

Some animals will have a way to defend themselves whenever they feel threatened, and in their defense, they can bite. Some of these animal bites can be dangerous to the victim’s health.

Raccoons are one of the animals that can bite, and their bite can be dangerous and very harmful to the health. Follow us on this informative piece as we check what to do if a raccoon bites you. But this should be a general lifestyle; you must visit the nearest hospital if any wild animal bites.

Rabies is one of the most frequent diseases a raccoon can transmit through a bite or scratch. It’s crucial to remember that not all raccoons have this viral illness. Raccoons can infect people and pets with rabies from their bite or scratch.

On some occasions, if the saliva of a rabid animal enters an open cut or the mucous membranes, it can be the eyes, nose, or even the mouth.

Rabies is one of the most dangerous viral diseases that can spread from animal to animal and even to humans. The virus always affects the nerve cells when it enters the body and attaches itself to them, causing havoc with the nervous system.

If you don’t treat it on time, it can infect the brain and cause some fatal effects in the body. What to do if a raccoon bites you matters, but below are some symptoms you should look out for; they are commonly seen in rabid raccoons:

  • Difficulty walking
  • Heavy panting
  • Repeated high-pitched noises
  • Foaming at the mouth
  • Matted body hair
  • Confusion or disorientation

The practical reason you should stay away from raccoons cannot be far fetched because you don’t know which one carries rabies.

Without mincing words together, rabies is a deadly disease if treatment isn’t given early. Avoid bites, scratches, and saliva from touching open wounds on your body.

What Does A Raccoon Bite Look Like?

picture of raccoon bite on a child
(Source: Nicholas Hughes)

The bite from a raccoon always look like a set of upper and lower teeth marks on the skin of the victim. The bite mark may look different based on the part of the skin bitten, and the hair on the body may also absorb the mark. Which means that a raccoon bite may look different on the victims due to their skin type, and the skin hair.

A raccoon bite can look like a bruise around the bite mark, that it is important to get a first aid if you are attacked by a raccoon.

Does It Hurt When A Raccoon Bites You?

The bit of a raccoon is not a minor injury, as much as raccoons are not aggressive animals, their bite isn’t minor.

Raccoons will only attack you when they feel cornered or threatened, and their bite can cause a deep lacerations to the skin. This hurt and major injuries do occur because a raccoon’s teeth is adapted to its omnivorous diet.

It has a molar teeth like that of humans, four sharp canine teeth that can bite deep into any prey.

What Happens When A Raccoon Bites You?

Though all animal bites have a potentially dangerous effect on the victim. If you are attacked by a raccoon, be aware it can be a life threatening situation.

When a raccoon bites you, ensure you seek a medical attention immediately, because you don’t know which raccoon has rabies. They can spread dangerous infections like rabies, salmonella, leptospirosis, and raccoon roundworm.

What To Do If A Raccoon Bites You

First, if a raccoon bites you or you are scratched, we advise you to seek urgent medical care because of disease threats. You can contract diseases like rabies, leptospirosis, salmonella, and raccoon roundworm through that contact.

We are sure you know these diseases are not friendly and can be hazardous. This post exposure prophylaxis vaccine the doctor gave will treat the effects of raccoon scratches and bites.

Your body will create antibodies against the rabies virus after receiving these vaccinations. These antibodies attack the virus molecules, effectively stopping them from entering your nerve cells.

Since your nervous system won’t become infected, the vaccine aids in preventing rabies. Note if your body creates enough antibodies, it will kill the virus. You need to know that if the disease advances, some of the symptoms of rabies in humans include:

  • Itching at the wound site
  • Anxiety or agitation
  • Hypersensitivity to light
  • Delirium or hallucinations
  • Insomnia
  • Trouble drinking water

Best Home Remedy For Raccoon Bite

There are no special things to put on your skin due to raccoon bite, but you should ensure you should wash the wound with soap. When washing the wound with soap, ensure you use warm water.

You can apply antibiotics for a minor bite, like an animal bite or claw wound that breaks the skin. Ensure you wash the surface before applying ointment or antibiotics; then, cover it with a clean bandage. Do not forget you need to visit a healthcare provider.

How To Treat A Raccoon Bite

We have established that you should seek medical treatment whenever you face a raccoon. We will reiterate that what to do if a raccoon bites you matters, as it can determine a lot about your health.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advises that you should ensure you put a stop to the bleeding if a raccoon bites you.

The attacks from raccoons are through biting and scratching, and they will both leave physical wounds on your skin. When the bleeding stops, the cut might not seem significant, but you could become infected if it is not treated.

Aside from the wound, there can be a virus infection like rabies, which is very deadly. A raccoon bite is a set of upper teeth and lower teeth marks on the victim’s skin. Though the marks may look different on different skins, the hair on the skin may absorb some of the wound as well.

How To Prevent A Raccoon Attack

Keeping your distance from raccoons is the best defense against an assault. If you discover raccoons around, ensure you don’t attack them or even chase them.

If you do so, you might send a letter for an attack, in which the repercussion won’t be great. Every cornered raccoon will fight back in defense. Also, female raccoons with babies can be aggressive.

If you notice any invasion in your house, invite professional wildlife officers, and they will help you chase them away. It is better to get professionals than try to chase them away yourself.

Do away with trash cans, ensure you always empty them, and take away any food because it can invite them to your house. Also, make sure you look out for holes and block all of them, and if you hear any of their sounds around your house, make haste to call on professional wildlife officers.


What to do if a raccoon bites you will determine the result of your health over time. Wash the wound with warm water and soap before visiting a healthcare provider.

In other serious cases, you must meet with a healthcare officer who will administer some vaccines. It is crucial to be conscious that the bite of a raccoon can cause major health problems if it is not properly treated.

You should know that the effect of the attack differs on people’s skin, but still, not a reason not to visit the doctor.

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