Can Raccoon Break Your Home Window Screen?

can raccoon break through your home window screen

Raccoons are known for their skill, which helps them to manipulate through different objects. As homeowners asking this question, can raccoon break window screen?

Yes. Raccoons have no trouble breaking a window screen. With their sharp claws and impressive strength, it is always like they are slicing through thin fabric, just as simple as tearing lightweight cardboard would be for us. 

Raccoons have a strong reputation for constantly destroying things, and if they feel threatened or believe their babies are in danger, their aggression toward humans becomes so significant. This is particularly true for a mother raccoon looking after her young – she will do whatever it takes to protect her babies, even if it means causing some damage, like breaking through doors or window screens.

Can Raccoons Open Doors And Windows?

Yes, raccoons can open doors and windows. You may find it hard to believe, but remember that raccoons are clever. Scientists set out to test just how intelligent these little creatures are a few years back. And guess what? They’re pretty darn smart! They managed to open 11 out of 13 locks without any noticeable challenges. 

The scientists even tried switching up the locks and flipping them upside down, but the raccoons still figured it out. Some people might need help with tricky locks, but not raccoons. So don’t be shocked if you catch them eating your food directly from your plate instead of raiding the cat’s dish this tim.

Can Raccoons Also Break Through Wood?

Yes, raccoons can break through the woods. As we know, raccoons are notorious, and they can gnaw on wooden structures around your property, and this is not like they will consume the wood. But they use their strong jaws to break through the wood and reach the food they are after. 

Generally, raccoons only need holes or openings as small as three inches in diameter to access a space, which they can do through wood. Regularly inspecting your roof and promptly sealing any holes you discover can make your home less inviting to raccoons. In addition, it is essential to remove any accessible sources of food to discourage raccoon activities such as break window screen.

For emphasis, do raccoons chew wood? Raccoons don’t chew on wood just for fun. But if they sense that the wood is the only thing standing between them and a potential meal or comfortable nesting spot, they will go to any lengths to break through.

If they spot any openings in the exterior of your home or yard, raccoons will continually target those weak spots until they create a sizable enough hole and find their way through. Likewise, if they detect any weaknesses in the wood, they won’t hesitate to start chewing their way around.

Abilities That Help Raccoon Break Window Screen Into Homes?

Raccoons are known to be drawn to human settlements because they have steady access to food, like remains found in garbage cans. Moreover, these habitats offer safety from predators and comfortable spots for nesting, often making attics their preferred hideout. Interestingly, raccoons can infiltrate your home more quickly than you might think. Let’s explore some of the vital skills that help them gain entry into your yard and properties, and we can say some of the skills help raccoon to break window screen.

1. Raccoons are Agile

Raccoons are known to be great climbers. In their natural habitat, they often seek refuge in tree hollows, protecting themselves and their offspring from predators. When raccoons establish dens in human dwellings, their instinct to find shelter in elevated spots kicks in, prompting them to ascend to the upper levels of your home.

A downspout attached to your house serves as a raccoon’s version of a slender tree trunk, offering an easy route for climbing. Raccoons possess excellent climbing skills, allowing them to scale the sides of brick buildings using mortar joints between bricks as footholds. Their adeptness at climbing increases their access to the higher heights of your home.

2. Raccoons are intelligent

Raccoons are unique and clever creatures. Studies have revealed their intelligence to be on par with monkeys, surpassing that of cats or dogs. Like your furry companions, raccoons can quickly learn to use a pet door if they see an opportunity.

They are known to be attracted to pet food left outdoors and might attempt to access it through a pet door if given the chance. Fortunately, specialized pet doors are equipped with sensors that only respond to the unique signal emitted by your pet’s collar. This ensures that the door will open solely for your pet while effectively keeping raccoons at bay.

3. Raccoons have strong dexterity.

Raccoons’ front paws resemble human hands, with five fingers each. While they lack opposable thumbs, their paws possess impressive agility, enabling them to manipulate objects easily. Unfortunately, this skill can lead to significant damage to your home. Raccoons create holes in roof soffits, shingles, vents, and chimney tops to gain entry.

The chimney, resembling a natural tree hollow, may entice raccoons to establish a den inside your home, posing risks for you and them. Additionally, raccoons may attempt to access your home through other means, such as removing window screens or even pushing out windows.

4. Raccoons are tenacious

Raccoons are brainiacs when it comes to problem-solving. They can be incredibly persistent in tackling a challenge, like figuring out how to open a door or window, especially if they believe there’s a tasty treat waiting for them on the other side.

5. They have a great memory.

If you have a keypad lock installed on your door, be cautious—raccoons are clever! They may pick up your code by watching you punch it in. Raccoons have remarkable memories, so if they watch you closely enough, they can learn how to use the code themselves and open the door. And here’s the kicker: once one raccoon knows the code, others can catch on by observing the skilled one.

How Do I Keep Raccoons Out Of My Window?

Since we have answered whether can raccoon break window screen, it is also essential to know how to keep them away from your window. Here is what you can do to prevent raccoons from getting into your window: you can start by ensuring no food sources nearby might attract them. 

Secure your trash cans with tight-fitting lids, avoid leaving pet food outside, and pick up fallen fruits or birdseed. You can also trim any tree branches or shrubs that provide easy access to your window. 

Consider installing motion-activated lights or sprinklers as a deterrent. Additionally, seal any gaps or openings around your window with sturdy materials to prevent raccoons from entering. Regularly inspect and maintain the area to ensure they don’t find a way back in.

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