Raccoon As Pet: The Pros And Cons Of Having Raccoon As Pet

picture of a pet raccoon

Raccoons are wild animals, and just like so many other wild animals, they do not like to be domesticated. Especially when you have to cage them, taking away their freedom.

But lots of people have succeeded in taming these wild mammals for ages. And you too can do the same, if you have the patience and the resources it takes to tame a raccoon. Let’s explore the world of raccoon pet.

Can I Keep A Raccoons As Pet?

Yes, you can keep a raccoon as a pet. So long as you can maintain it because raccoons are on the list of pets with a high cost of maintenance. A raccoon pet can be great company for you when you give it something to play around with, just like a kitten. 

Also, if you can deal with all their unpredictability, then the raccoon is the pet for you. They look like exotic pets with their cute masked faces and cunny ways of doing things. Raccoon pets are very fascinating, as they display a high level of intelligence in their dealings. 

Research has shown that they are even more intelligent than so many dog breeds. So if you want a fuzzy load of intelligence as a pet, then think of fuzzy raccoons. 

Why Raccoons Are The Best Pet

The same raccoon that lots of people see as a nuisance is believed to make the best pets. Considering how entertaining and adventurous these curious mammals can be, they can keep their owners preoccupied at all times. So, there can never be a dull moment with raccoons as pet. 

They can also be tamed to fight off other raccoons that may be visiting your farm to eat your chickens. Taming a raccoon to see your chicken as something they have to protect will take time but it’s not impossible. And since they are always active at night, they will be ready to fend off the wild raccoons when they visit at night.

We know that so many people see their mischievous sides as no-go-areas, but have you seen a raccoon putting up a show of mischief? They are always fun to watch. Especially when they are being sneaky around something you have decided to keep away from them. 

Are Male Or Female Raccoons Better Pet?

If you are looking forward to having raccoon babies in the future, then we would say that a female raccoon is what you need. But female raccoons tend to get very restless the moment they hit sexual maturation, which they do before they reach a year old.

They become unpredictable and if given the chance, they would escape into the wild. To mate with male raccoons and have their babies somewhere. This might be heartbreaking because they may never return to you, ever. 

Female raccoons are also more aggressive than male raccoons, especially when they are trying to protect their babies.

Are Raccoons Smart?

Raccoons are among the smartest little mammals on earth. They even have good memories that enable them to learn from their mistakes, which is why they always escape traps. They are also problem solvers, which is how they figure out how to open bottles and pick human locks like petty human thieves.

Pros And Con Of Keeping Raccoon As Pet

Indeed, there are two sides to every coin. Even though lots of people are singing the praises of raccoon pets, there are lots of downsides to it. We will leave you to decide if the advantages or disadvantages outweigh the others.


  • They are very cuddly and bonds well with their human owners
  • They can eat anything, which reduces the money you have to spend on feeding them.
  • They are very intelligent 
  • They help to rid your house of mice
  • They look like cute exotic pet breeds 
  • They are clean animals
  • They are fun to watch.


  • They are unpredictable and difficult to tame 
  • High cost of maintenance 
  • They may destroy your house and get to the part of your home they are not meant to get to
  • They can spread diseases
  • They can attack humans and other pets when they feel threatened 
  • Raccoon pets may scatter scats in your home 
  • They may start eating your chickens and chicken eggs. 

What To Know Before Adopting A Pet Raccoon

Before adopting a pet raccoon, ensure that you are aware of the health risks, raccoons’ temper, licensing in your state, price, and how to maintain it.

Pet Raccoon Price

Raccoons are one of the most priced pets of all time, especially the albino raccoons. The price depends on the pet shop or raccoon breeder. But the prices are around $500.

Pet Raccoon Lifespan

You must have heard that raccoons last for about 2 to 3 years on average, but this is only in the wild. Raccoon pets live longer because their human owners protect them from being eaten by bigger predators. They also provide food and good medical care for them. A raccoon pet can live up to 20 years and more. 

What Do Raccoons Eat As Pets?

If you can adopt a pet raccoon then feeding it is the easy part because raccoons eat dog and cat foods, meats, fish, fruits, vegetables, leftover foods, and so many other things.

How To Get A Raccoon Permit In Your State

Because of the notorious reputation that raccoons have managed to gain over the years, some states have banned keeping raccoons as pet. Among their top reasons for this is their reputation for being disease vectors. These states include Massachusetts, Idaho, Arizona, Kentucky, Colorado, and others.

To keep raccoons as pets in states like Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Indiana, and Maine, you need a raccoon permit. To apply, you are required to fill out and submit a permit request form for wild animal class II. Then wait for the authority to come and inspect your house, to ensure that it’s raccoon-proof. 

If you pass the inspection, then you will be permitted to keep the raccoon as a pet. Also, you must remember to renew your license every year. If you are planning to import the raccoon from another state, then you need an additional import permit, and health certificate for the raccoon. 

In some communities, people have come together to ban the keeping raccoons as pet. Another thing to bear in mind is that you may not see a vet that will treat your pet raccoon without proper certifications.   

Raccoon Breeder 

When you make up your mind to keep raccoons as pets, ensure that it is not a wild raccoon. Because a wild raccoon may be infected with one or more diseases. And keeping such a raccoon may endanger the lives of everyone around it. 

But there are raccoon breeders that help to breed raccoons for people who want to keep raccoon pet. These raccoon breeders take care of the raccoons they sell to people, to ensure that they are safe. It’s always best to contact them when you want to adopt a pet raccoon.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Keep Raccoons as Pet in Texas?

You can keep raccoons as pets in Texas but you have to get a proper permit. That means you have to get it from a certified raccoon breeder. And also comply with The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) regulations for owning a pet raccoon. You just have to consult TPWD, to know the do’s and dont’s of owning a raccoon pet in Texas.  

Raccoon as Pet in New York

It is illegal to keep wild animals like raccoons as pets in New York City.

Can I Keep Raccoons as Pet in Canada?

In Canada, it is illegal to keep raccoons as pets, because they tend to spread diseases. So, no matter where you live in Canada, remember that it is prohibited to keep raccoons as pets. 

Can I Keep Raccoons as Pet in Florida?

It is legal to keep raccoons as pets in Florida. However, you need to get a license to do so, and you must not take your raccoon pet to a public place. Also, the license has to be renewed every two years. 

Raccoons as Pets in California

It is illegal to keep raccoons as pets in California.

Can I Keep Raccoons as Pet in UK?

Pet raccoons are not allowed in the UK. Raccoons have been banned from being kept as pets because of the health hazards involved in them. Raccoons are also unruly and may escape to public places, infecting humans around.

Raccoons as Pets in Russia

Raccoons are still wild animals even in Russia, so they cannot be kept as pets.

How To Get Rid Of A Pet Raccoon

The moment baby raccoons attain sexual maturity, they will move from being cuddly raccoons to disastrous raccoons. They may look all cute and cuddly as baby raccoons, but you cannot keep them from growing. And with growth comes their unpredictable and wild side. 

Some people say that raccoons only make excellent pets when they are babies. As adult raccoons are very unruly. And this is the reason why most people are looking for a way to get rid of their raccoon pets. 

If you think that you have had enough of your raccoon pet destroying your home or eating your chickens. Follow these simple steps to get rid of them humanely;

  • Call Professionals 

The professionals will help you to get rid of your raccoon pets without you going through the stress. They will also ensure that no harm comes to your raccoon pet in the process. But it will cost you some money

  • Trap It 

Set a trap for the raccoon, or just pick it up if you can. Since it’s still your pet, you may be able to lay hold of it without setting a trap. After capturing it, drive it at least 20 miles from your home and release it into the wild, where it belongs. 

Raccoons are no doubt one of the cutest animals you can keep as pet. But raccoons have refused to forget about their wild sides, even after being domesticated for long. But if you are willing to give all it takes, and it is legal in your region, then we assure you that a pet raccoon is worth it.  

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