Where Do Raccoons Nest?

Treetop Tenants: Raccoons are skilled climbers and often build nests, called dens, in hollowed-out trees or cavities.

Brush Pile Bonanza: Dense piles of branches and leaves provide cozy spots for raccoons to create comfy dens.

Borrowed Burrows: Abandoned dens of other animals, like skunks or foxes, can be perfect for a raccoon to move in and make its own.

Attic Accomodations:  If raccoons find their way into your attic, they might create a den using insulation and other debris

Chimney Chill Zones:  Warm and sheltered, chimneys can be a tempting spot for a raccoon to build a den.

Crawl Space Cubbyholes:  Quiet and secluded, crawl spaces under buildings can offer a hidden den for raccoons.

Storm Drain Snoozing Spots:  Believe it or not, some raccoons take up residence in storm drains, especially in urban areas.

Barn Loft Bedrooms:  Spacious and often undisturbed, barn lofts can provide a perfect nesting area for raccoons.