What To Do If You See A Raccoon In Your Yard

Stay Calm: Don't panic or make loud noises. Sudden movements can scare the raccoon and increase the risk of aggression.

Keep Your Distance: Observe the raccoon from afar.  Admire its bandit mask from a safe haven

Bring Pets Inside:  Keep your furry friends indoors to avoid any confrontations.

Identify Attractants:  Is there open trash, pet food, or easy access to your house?  Raccoons love a free meal

Secure Food Sources:  Seal trash cans, bring pet food indoors after feeding time, and cover any openings to your house.

Call Animal Control (if needed):  If the raccoon seems sick, injured, or is causing property damage, contact your local animal control for assistance.

Enjoy the (safe) wildlife viewing!  While raccoons can be mischievous, they're also interesting creatures. Watch them from a distance and appreciate their nighttime antics