What To Do If A Raccoon Bites You (Best Home Remedies)

I understand you're looking for information on treating a raccoon bite at home. However,  raccoon bites are serious and there are no safe or effective home remedies. Here's what you should do instead:

 Seek Medical Attention Immediately: This is the most crucial step. A doctor can properly clean the wound, assess your risk of rabies and other infections, and provide necessary treatment.

Wash the Wound Thoroughly: While on the way to the doctor, wash the bite for 5 minutes with warm water and soap. This helps reduce the risk of infection.

Control Bleeding: If the wound is bleeding heavily, apply gentle pressure with a clean cloth to control it until you get medical help. 

Report the Bite:  Inform animal control or public health departments about the bite. This helps them track rabies in the animal population.

Avoid Further Contact:  Raccoons can be aggressive, so avoid approaching or attempting to capture the animal yourself.

Remember, these next steps are for after you've received medical attention

Keep the Wound Clean and Bandaged: Follow your doctor's instructions for wound care to prevent infection.

Watch for Infection Signs: Be aware of redness, swelling, or pus around the wound, which could indicate infection. Report these symptoms to your doctor promptly.

Get Tetanus Shot:  Make sure your tetanus vaccination is up-to-date.