10 Downsides of Having Cats as Pets

Scratching: Cats have a natural instinct to scratch, which can damage furniture, curtains, and carpets. Providing scratching posts and redirecting unwanted scratching is key

Hairballs and Shedding: Regular shedding is a feline fact of life, requiring consistent cleaning and potential allergy concerns.

 Predatory Play:  Toys often become victims of a cat's hunting instincts. Supervise playtime and keep fragile objects out of reach.

Nightime Antics: Cats are most active at dawn and dusk, which can disrupt your sleep with meows, zoomies, and playful pounces.

Cost of Care: Food, litter, vet bills, and potential scratching post replacements add up.

Indoor Dangers:  Curious kitties can get into trouble with houseplants, electrical cords, and small objects. Cat-proofing your home is essential.

Furniture Climbing:  Cats love high places, which can lead to broken knick-knacks and unwanted climbing on curtains. Offering cat trees or shelves can redirect this behavior.

Litter Box Woes:  Scooping isn't pleasant, and litter box placement can be a challenge, requiring regular cleaning and odor control.

Potential for Bird Hunting: Outdoor cats can be a threat to local bird populations. Consider keeping your cat indoors or building a safe outdoor enclosure.

Long Lifespan: Cats can live 15-20 years, requiring a long-term commitment to their care and well-being