What Do Raccoons Eat? An In-Depth Look At Their Diet

Omnivore Extravaganza: Raccoons are opportunistic eaters, classified as omnivores. Their diet is a buffet of both plants and animals, depending on what's available.

Seasonal Shifts: A raccoon's menu changes with the seasons. Summer brings a bounty of fruits and vegetables, while winter finds them scavenging for heartier fare.

Waterside Favorites: Living near water provides a delicious advantage. Crayfish, frogs, fish, and clams are all on the raccoon's aquatic appetizer list.

The Invertebrate Buffet: Crunchy insects, worms, and grubs are a delightful and protein-rich snack for these masked bandits.

Nutty by Nature: Acorns, hickory nuts, and walnuts are a favorite source of fat and energy, especially important for preparing for winter.

Sweet Tooth Satisfied: Ripe berries and fruits are a welcome source of sugar and essential vitamins.

Opportunistic Hunters: While not the most skilled predators, raccoons will snatch eggs, young birds, or rodents if the chance arises.

Not Picky Eaters: Leftovers, pet food, and even human garbage aren't off-limits. This can cause problems when raccoons become habituated to urban environments.