What Do Baby Raccoons Eat? Baby Raccoon Feeding Chart

Mama's the Best: In the wild, mother raccoons provide all the necessary nutrients for their young kits through their milk.

Formula for Orphans: If you find an orphaned baby raccoon, kitten milk replacer (KMR) is the closest substitute to their mother's milk.

Start Warm: Before feeding, ensure the formula is lukewarm, around body temperature.

Feeding Frequency:  Newborn kits require frequent feedings, every 2-4 hours, around the clock.

Gradual Weaning: As they grow, around 6-8 weeks old, slowly introduce solid foods alongside the formula.

Solid Food Options:  Mushed insects, scrambled eggs, and commercially available carnivore puppy food are suitable choices.

Mimic Mom: When introducing solids, smear a bit on their paws to encourage the natural "washing" behavior while they eat.

Wildlife Rehabilitator Help:  It's crucial to seek professional guidance from a wildlife rehabilitator for proper care and diet for orphaned baby raccoons