What are some animals that most people have never seen before?

Sarcastic Fringehead:This little fish lives in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of North America. It has a big, boxy head that it uses to defend its burrow from other fish. When threatened, it will open its mouth wide and show off its bright red insides .

Pink Fairy Armadillo:This adorable little armadillo is the smallest species of armadillo in the world. It's only about the size of a teacup and has a soft pink shell. They are found in Argentina .

Glass Frog:These frogs have translucent skin that allows you to see their organs inside! They are found in Central and South America and live in trees 

Tardigrade:Also known as water bears, these tiny creatures are extremophiles, which means they can survive in extreme environments that would kill most other animals. They have been found in everything from boiling hot springs to the vacuum of space 

Goblin Shark:This deep-sea shark has a long, flattened snout and sharp teeth that protrude from its jaws. It looks like something out of a science fiction movie! .

Blobfish:This deep-sea fish lives at depths of up to 3,900 feet (1,200 meters) where the water pressure is extreme. Its body is mostly gelatinous and has very little muscle.  They look like a giant blob of jello 

Handfish:These strange-looking fish have pectoral fins that look like hands! They use their fins to "walk" along the seabed and to dig in the sand for food .