Top 6 Scents to Deter Raccoons (and How to Use Them)

Spicy Scents: Raccoons hate the smell of hot peppers like cayenne pepper. Sprinkle it around potential entry points or make a homemade spray to deter them.

Ammonia: The strong odor of ammonia is another effective repellent. However, use caution as it can be irritating to eyes and lungs. Wear gloves and a mask when handling.

Peppermint Power:  Peppermint oil has a strong scent that repels raccoons. Apply it to cotton balls and strategically place them around your property.

Vinegar's Bite: The pungent smell of vinegar is another option.  For best results, use white vinegar and reapply after rain.

Garlic Gloves: Raccoons dislike the smell of garlic.  While not the most pleasant solution for humans either, you can place cloves of garlic around potential entry points.

. Natural Predator Scents:  Raccoons are wary of predators. You can find commercially available predator urine products that may deter them.

Important Note:  While these scents may deter raccoons,  they may not be a permanent solution.  For persistent problems,  consider exclusion methods like sealing up entry points into your home.