8 Steps to Evict Raccoons and Seal Your Attic

Identify Entry Points: Look for holes, gaps, or damaged vents around your roofline and eaves.

Check for Babies:  Raccoons are more likely to be persistent if they have young. Listen for squeaks or chirps and be cautious if you suspect babies.

Exclusion Tactics:  Consider one-way doors that allow exiting raccoons but prevent re-entry.

Live Trapping:  Set humane traps following local guidelines and check them frequently.

Eviction Fluid:  Soak rags in a commercially available raccoon repellent and place them near entry points (check local regulations).

Seal Up Entry Points: Once raccoons are gone, use sturdy materials like metal mesh to permanently seal entry holes.

Remove Attractants:  Trim tree branches near your roof, secure chimneys and roof vents, and eliminate outdoor food sources like pet bowls.

Consider Professional Help:  If the infestation seems extensive or you're uncomfortable handling it yourself, call a wildlife removal specialist