How to Deter Raccoons and Keep Them Away Forever

Fort Knox Your Trash:  Raccoons are notorious for raiding garbage cans. Secure them with tight-fitting lids, bungee cords, or even raccoon-proof locks.

Seal Up the Buffet:  Don't leave out pet food bowls overnight, and clean up any spills from bird feeders. Raccoons are opportunistic eaters and will happily gobble up anything left unattended.

Light Up the Night:  Install motion-activated lights around your property. Raccoons prefer the cover of darkness for their nighttime activities. A sudden burst of light will startle them and deter them from exploring.

Clip Those Claws:  Raccoons are excellent climbers. Trim tree branches overhanging your roof to eliminate easy access points to your house.

Go Metal:  Metal flashing around the base of trees or the edges of your roof can make it difficult for raccoons to gain a foothold.

Scent Stoppers:  Raccoons dislike the smell of certain things. Try spraying a solution of vinegar or ammonia (be sure to dilute it properly!) around areas where they frequent.

Play Predator:  Predatory animal urine, like coyote or bobcat urine (available at some stores), can trick raccoons into thinking there's a danger zone

Seal Up the Cracks:  Search for any potential entry points into your house or shed, like gaps under eaves or around vents. Patch these up with wire mesh or caulk to prevent unwanted guests.