How Many Babies Do Raccoons Have? (And When They’re Born)

– Litter Size: Raccoon litters can vary in size, but typically they have between two and five babies, known as kits 

– Breeding Season: Mating season for raccoons varies depending on location. In North America, it generally occurs in late winter, from February to April 

– Gestation Period: After mating, the gestation period for a raccoon is about nine weeks

– Newborn Kits: Kits are born blind and helpless, weighing only a few ounces [2]. They are completely dependent on their mother for survival

– Development of Kits: Kits will start to see around three weeks old and will be weaned by their mother at around 7-10 weeks old

– Leaving the Den: Kits will stay with their mother in the den for about two to three months before venturing out on their own

– Helping Hands: Mother raccoons are very attentive to their young and will fiercely protect them from danger 

Threats to Raccoons: Predators such as coyotes, owls, and foxes can all pose a threat to raccoons, especially kits