Do Raccoons Live Underground? (Everything You Need to Know)

Not Really: Raccoons prefer above-ground dens in hollow trees, brush piles, or even your attic!

Borrowed Homes:  They are resourceful and will take over abandoned burrows dug by other animals.

Clawsome Diggers:  While they don't build underground homes, raccoons will dig for food like grubs and insects.

Nighttime Munchies:  Look for evening or early morning digging as raccoons are nocturnal.

More Than Bugs:  Their diet includes fruits, eggs, and even small animals, so their digging spots can vary.

Trash Pandas on the Hunt:  Raccoons might unearth your compost pile or trash cans for a tasty snack.

Squeezing Through:  Don't underestimate their ability to fit through tight spaces, burrows included.

Living Close By:  Spotting a dug-up area might mean a raccoon lives nearby, not necessarily underground.