Do Raccoons Eat Snakes? (Are They Immune to Snake Venom?)

Raccoons are opportunistic omnivores: Their diet consists of anything they can find, including fruits, vegetables, insects, and small animals.

Snakes on the menu: Raccoons will indeed eat snakes, including venomous ones, if the opportunity arises.

No immunity:  Unlike some snake predators like the honey badger, raccoons aren't immune to snake venom.

Raccoon smarts:  They rely on their intelligence and cunning to overpower the snake, not on any special resistance.

Surprise attack: Raccoons may startle or disorient the snake before going in for the kill.

Thick fur:  Their thick fur might offer some minor protection from a bite.

Not guaranteed:  A bite can still be dangerous or even fatal for a raccoon.

Respect the power of snakes: Even for these adaptable creatures, caution around snakes is essential.