Do Raccoons Eat Chickens? (And How to Protect Your Flock)

Raccoon Threat:  Raccoons are opportunistic predators and will absolutely eat chickens if they have the chance. Their intelligence and nimble bodies make them a danger to your coop.

Coop Security:  A sturdy coop with hardware cloth lining is essential.  Patch any holes and ensure a secure latch system on the door

Nighttime Defense:  Raccoons are nocturnal.  Lock up your chickens before dusk and consider an automatic coop door for added security.

Fortify the Run:  The chicken run should also be made of strong hardware cloth and buried slightly to prevent digging entry.

Minimize Attractions:  Remove uneaten chicken feed and secure food storage containers to avoid attracting raccoons to your property.

Deterrence Tactics:  Motion-activated lights or sprinklers can startle potential predators.  Predator urine can also be a deterrent.

Be Vigilant:  Regularly inspect your coop for signs of damage or attempted entry.  Look for raccoon tracks or droppings.

 Multiple Lines of Defense:  Combining preventative measures like a secure coop, deterrents, and vigilance offers the best protection for your chickens.