What Do Baby Raccoons Eat? Baby Raccoon Feeding Chart

Raccoons are expert climbers: Their nimble hands and feet with sharp claws allow them to navigate trees with ease.

Trees provide food:  Raccoons climb trees to find fruits, insects, birds and their eggs, and other prey.

Trees offer safety: Climbing trees helps raccoons escape predators like coyotes or foxes.

Dens in hollowed trunks:  Raccoons often make their homes inside hollow sections of trees, creating a safe space to raise young

Temporary refuge:  Even if they don’t live in the branches, raccoons will climb trees for rest or to get a vantage point.

Nocturnal climbers: Most raccoon climbing activity happens at night when they are most active.

Scratching marks as a sign:  If you see claw marks on tree trunks, it might be a sign of raccoons in the area.

Ground dens are preferred: While they can sleep in trees, raccoons typically prefer to make dens on the ground in burrows or abandoned dens