Best At Home Tips to Get Rid of Raccoon With Ammonia

Seal Up Your Home:  Close potential entry points with wire mesh or sheet metal.  Raccoons can squeeze through surprisingly small openings.

Trash Can Fortress:  Use a metal trash can with a tight-fitting lid. Secure it with a bungee cord or latch to prevent tipping.

Evict Edibles:  Remove pet food dishes at night.  Clean up any spills or debris around gardens or compost bins.

Light Up the Night:  Install motion-activated lights near entry points.  Raccoons prefer to forage in darkness.

Spicy Scatters:  Mix cayenne pepper or crushed hot peppers with water. Spray around potential entry points (wear gloves and eye protection!).

Predatory Scents:  Try commercially available predator urine pouches (coyote or bobcat) near entry points.  Replace them every few weeks.

Call in the Pros:  If you have a raccoon living inside your home or these methods fail, contact a wildlife removal specialist.