Baby Raccoon Age Chart: 8 Key Point

Newborn (0-2 weeks): Tiny (100 grams), blind, deaf, but have a big appetite! They eat and sleep constantly, vocalizing only when needing stimulation.

One Week Old:  Weight increases, faint tail rings appear, head seems large for their body. Still unable to move around much.

 Three to Four Weeks: Eyes open, ears follow soon after. More vocal, with growls, hisses, and snorts. Around 250 grams and 8.5-10 inches long

Five to Six Weeks:  Significant growth (550 grams, 12-14 inches). Now able to walk, climb, and even run

Six to Eight Weeks:  Teething begins, a sign they're ready for solid foods alongside formula. Increased curiosity and exploration.

Nine to Twelve Weeks: Weaning process starts, transitioning to solid food entirely. Weight reaches 950 grams or more. Greater independence and activity.

Remember: This is a general guide. Weight and development can vary slightly.

Important Note:  If you find a baby raccoon, leave it alone! Mothers are usually nearby. Only intervene if the animal is injured or truly orphaned. Contact a wildlife rehabber for assistance.