Are Raccoons Dangerous or Aggressive to Humans?

Raccoons are wild animals:  They are unpredictable and will defend themselves if they feel threatened.

Sharp claws and teeth: Raccoons can inflict serious injuries with their attacks.

Rabies carriers: Rabies is a deadly virus that raccoons can transmit through bites or scratches.

Defensive mothers:  Especially during breeding season, female raccoons fiercely protect their young and may attack perceived threats.

Approaching for food: Raccoons accustomed to human handouts may lose their fear and become aggressive when food is involved.

Disease carriers:  They can carry other diseases like distemper and canine parvovirus that can be harmful to humans and pets.

Property damage:  Raccoons are resourceful scavengers and can tear into trash cans and damage property in search of food.

 Avoidance is key:  Respect their wild nature and maintain a safe distance. Never attempt to approach or touch a raccoon.