8 Interesting Facts About Baby Raccoons You Probably Did Not Know

Masked Ball: No Masks at Birth!  Unlike their mischievous parents, baby raccoons, called kits, are born without their signature facial masks. Their fur is also light and sparse, transforming into the classic raccoon look over several weeks.

Whiskers on Their...Paws?  We all know about whiskers on a cat's face, but raccoons have a secret –– tiny touch-sensitive whiskers on their paws! These develop by the time they venture out with mom, helping them navigate and explore their surroundings.

Line Leader? You Bet!  When on the move, a caravan of kits follows mom in a single file line, holding onto her fur with their tiny paws. This adorable method keeps them close and safe while traveling through the trees or tall grass.

Vocal Chords Working Overtime!  Kits may be small, but they are certainly not quiet! They have a surprising repertoire of vocalizations to communicate with mom, from chirps and whistles to trills and screams.

Not Quite Ready to be Independent Unlike some baby animals, kits stick with their mom for nearly a year. During this time, they learn essential survival skills like foraging, climbing, and swimming.

Washing Up Isn't Always About Cleanliness  While a raccoon's food-washing behavior is famous, it's not necessarily about hygiene. Scientists believe it helps them enhance their sense of touch in the food, making it easier to manipulate and eat.

Blind as Bats (For a While)  The world is a blurry place for newborn kits. Their eyes don't open until they are around three weeks old. Mom's excellent sense of smell helps her locate food and keep them safe during this vulnerable time.

 Climbing Champs from a Young Age  Don't underestimate these little masked marvels! By just 7 weeks old, kits can climb with surprising agility, using their sharp claws and nimble paws to navigate trees and other vertical structures.