Baby Raccoon Age Chart: 8 Key Point 

Strange Noises: Raccoons are nocturnal creatures, so listen for bumping, scratching, or scurrying sounds at night. These could be signs of raccoons navigating your attic.

Droppings and Insulation Debris: Look for droppings that resemble small dog feces, especially around entry points or near vents. Torn insulation near these areas can also indicate raccoon activity.

Musky Odors: A strong, musky odor wafting from your attic vent could be a sign of raccoon droppings or even a dead carcass.

Paw Prints and Scratches: Check around your roof eaves, soffits, and chimney for raccoon footprints (which look like tiny human hands) or claw marks.

Damaged Entry Points: Raccoons can squeeze through surprisingly small openings. Inspect your roof, chimney, vents, and soffits for signs of damage

Missing Pet Food or Strange Sounds Outdoors: Raccoons are opportunistic feeders. If you keep pet food outdoors, secure it properly. Strange noises near your trash cans at night could also indicate raccoons.

Light Leaks and Openings: Seal any holes or cracks around your roofline, soffits, and chimney. Cover attic vents with wire mesh to prevent access.

1. Secure Potential Food Sources: Keep your trash cans tightly sealed and store pet food indoors. Eliminate potential water sources by repairing leaky faucets or clogged gutters.