6 Things To Do If A Raccoon Approaches You

Stay Calm and Still: Avoid making sudden movements or loud noises that might startle the raccoon.

Give it Space: Create distance between yourself and the raccoon. Ideally, you want at least 15-20 feet

No Eye Contact: Direct eye contact can be seen as a threat. Look away from the raccoon.

Make Yourself Big (if not aggressive): Stand tall and clap your hands to appear larger and scare the raccoon away.

Provide an Escape Route:  Don't block the raccoon's exit. This will make it feel trapped and more likely to fight.

Slowly Back Away: If the raccoon isn't aggressive, slowly retreat to a safe zone like a building or car.

Secure Your Property:  Keep trash cans sealed and eliminate any outdoor food or water sources that might attract raccoons.

Call Wildlife Control (if aggressive): If the raccoon appears rabid or persistently aggressive, contact animal control or a wildlife removal service.