5 Sounds That Might Scare Raccoons Away From Your Yard

Loud Clanging:  Banging pots and pans together is a readily available option.  It's definitely loud, but it can also be disruptive to neighbors and may not be a long-term solution.

Sudden Yelling:  A loud yell can sometimes scare off a raccoon.  However, this is a temporary solution at best, and not exactly neighbor-friendly.

Radio:  Leaving a radio on at night can create an unfamiliar noise that might deter raccoons.  Just be sure it's waterproof if left outdoors.  The downside is it can use extra energy and may also bother neighbors.

Wind Chimes:  The tinkling of wind chimes can be unsettling to some animals, including raccoons.  However, they may get used to the sound over time.  For best results, move them around the yard occasionally.

Motion-Activated Noisemakers:  These devices emit a loud sound or predator call when triggered by movement.  They can be effective, but be sure to choose one designed for outdoor use and consider potential noise disturbances.

Remember, these methods may not be foolproof and  may need to be used in combination with other deterrents like removing food sources and sealing up entry points.  For persistent problems,  consider  consulting with a wildlife removal professional.